Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Work in Progress

Hey y'all!

So, it's week 2. In this post I want to share with you some likes and dislikes, surprises and disappointments, from week 1 and the beginning of week 2. Mostly, it's been pretty easy! The first couple days of my first week were a little rough. I had to change my mindset about eating, and I was hungry a lot. Now that I've learned a bit more, I've gotten more adventurous with my recipes and meals, so it's just gotten easier and easier!

In my last post, I said I'd lost 5.5 pounds from morning to morning. After cheat day on Saturday, that went up a bit (as expected), but I jumped back on the healthy eating train, and now I'm down 6.2 morning to morning. :) In the past week and a half, the biggest thing I've noticed is that I have more energy. Even when I stay up a little later, it's almost easy to get up at 5:30 to cook breakfast and get my lunch and snacks ready for the day...and that is saying A LOT because anyone who knows me knows that I am NOT a morning person. Other things I've noticed include my skin clearing up (it has less dry spots and I'm getting less stupid adult zits), my hair is softer, and I've had changes in my cravings AND appetite. On cheat day, I could only (and only wanted to) finish half of my cheat meal... :-O I get excited for vegetables and lean proteins, and I look forward to my healthy snacks. Don't get me wrong, I can't wait for cheat day this week (PIZZA!!!!), but overall, I'm feeling really satisfied.

The biggest thing that I haven't noticed yet is a change in my clothes. I knew that would happen, though. See, I have this body that's a blessing and a curse. I gain and lose weight very proportionally. So, when I gain weight, it takes a while for my clothes not to fit. I could fit into clothes from high school until the past year or two. The curse part is when I start losing weight, it takes a while for me to notice my clothes fitting less snugly. :) I'm ok with that, though. I know it will come. My goal at the end of these 4 weeks is to feel even the slightest difference in my clothes. Just a tiiiiiny bit. I think I can, I think I can!
(Ok, maybe I don't need my clothes to be THAT loose! ;) )

Some of my favorite products/foods (so far) include the following:
Fiber Gourmet Pastas
Carba-Nada Pastas
Olive Garden Light Dressing (I could put that on EVERYTHING!)
Bell Peppers (I already knew this, but I love them even more now!)
Fat Free Cheeses
Sugar Free Jello with Fat Free Reddi Whip
Health Wise Biscotti

Some of my favorite recipes/meals so far include the following:
Asian Lettuce Wraps (Thanks, Rhonda!)
Chicken Breasts w/ Pampered Chef Buffalo Rub & Roasted Mixed Veggies w/ MCT Oil (or roasted asparagus in MCT oil!)
Spaghetti Fest (Thanks, Nana!)
Fajita-Stuffed Chicken (modified):
(Fajita stuffed chicken with mixed veggies and a small glass of wine)

My goal next week's meeting is to have lost 2 more pounds. My goal for next WEEK is to incorporate working out. I will do at least 2 days of 30+ minute workouts between next Tuesday (the 19th) and next Monday (the 25th).  I'm a work in progress. Y'all can keep me accountable. ;)

Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. You can do this!! I seem to lose and gain proportionately as well! The first place I noticed in my clothing was the thigh are--and I thought that was one of my better features. Now I wonder after losing 20 pounds...How I ever poured myself into the clothes. Keep on the journey even when it seems tedious.
