Wednesday, April 6, 2016

I Love This Crazy, Tragic, Sometimes Almost Magic, Awful, Beautiful Life…

That’s a country song, if you didn’t know. ;) I feel like it pretty accurately describes my life over the past week. Between packing, moving, unpacking, and just trying to do normal every day things, it’s been a whirlwind! We are OFFICIALLY moved into the new apartment, and my drive to work is approximately 6 minutes. I can’t say enough how excited that makes me!

Monday night was my first Achieve meeting, and I woke up Tuesday morning so ready to start this journey. I weighed myself, showered, ate breakfast, made coffee, and got ready for the day. I’m a pharmacist, and today my job was clinical. Clinical means I’m up on the floors in the hospital, and, if needed, I respond to certain codes and stroke alerts. Luckily, these don't necessarily happen all the time. Of course, my first day of Achieve would be the day. I’d never been to a code blue OR a stroke alert by myself, and before 11am BOTH had been called! Talk about a stressful day! All I wanted when I got home was to sit on the couch and drink a glass of wine. Ha! On a positive note, I’m glad I got some experience…and it distracted me from my hunger between breakfast and lunch! ;)
I really think this will be a great program for me. I feel more motivated than ever before, and somehow I’m not completely overwhelmed…YET. It definitely helps to know people who have been in the program, so I am thankful for that. 

Monday night, one of the things we talked about was that we each have a “diet demon”…or demons! Yesterday, I can say FOR SURE that I know exactly what one of my diet demons is. WORK. There are so many food distractions and temptations. All in the same day, I got offered a free slice of pie that someone had gotten from the cafeteria, there were cupcakes up on the floor for one of the nurse’s birthdays, and there was talk of buying pizza after we reach a certain goal as a pharmacy. 

Today, I found another set demon. Convenience. I had a doctor’s appointment this morning and then I had an appointment to turn in my keys and garage door openers at my previous apartment. I was leaving the south side of Indy around noon, and I was HUNGRY. I had my Achieve book with me, so I looked at some of the things I could grab from restaurants. I decided on Chick-fil-A grilled nuggets and a side salad, so I drove all the way there, and the line was CRAZY. I didn’t want to go inside because my car was packed to the brim with the remainder of the stuff from my apartment. Thankfully, I’d brought a Quest bar with me in case I needed a snack, but what I really wanted to do was to just run into Penn Station across the street and get a club sandwich and their AMAZING fries. I kept myself together, though. I ate half of my quest bar and made myself a wrap when I got home. 

Overall, my first two days have been good! I was pretty hungry between lunch and dinner yesterday, but I think it was more of a mental thing. Today has been better. I know that this is just the beginning, but I’m determined to succeed. Mostly, I’m determined to NOT give up if and when I fail and have an accidental junk day or I give in and have pizza or cupcakes at work instead of sticking to my plan! :) The next few days may pose a challenge, because I’m working evening shifts, but, again, I’m determined to succeed! 

Here's to a healthy week! 


  1. Philippians 4:13 "I can do ALL things through HIM who gives me strength!" Some days are easier than others, but if you slip, you just pick yourself up and start over....just like in life! I know you can succeed my dear! Love you-XOXOX

    1. I sure hope so! Thanks, Nana. :) Love you tons!
