Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Back to Normal

Alright, everybody! I'm a day late with my post. I know you were all on the edges of your seats waiting for me. ;) I've been juuuuust a little busy lately! Last week I veered a little bit from normal to get up-close and personal. This week, let's just get back to normal, why don't we?! I've put my worries from last week on my back burner for now. I'm giving those to God and dealing with things as they come. God is great, all the time.

Monday at the meeting, I gained 0.8 lbs. Bummer. My short-term goal is to lose 15 pounds before my family vacation on June 3rd. I only have 5.2 lbs to go until then, so it's definitely still possible! I won't be too disappointed in myself if I don't reach that goal. I'm sure I'll get close, and, mostly, I just can't wait for a week off! The last time I gained, I was really upset, and I kind of got down on myself. This week, I wasn't even worried about it. I had such a wonderful weekend eating, drinking, and relaxing with friends and family, so a small gain was totally worth it to me. Sometimes, you just have to take the hit for your own sanity. In my opinion, at least! Ha! I was also pretty proud of myself, because while I did indulge and eat larger portions, I did a fairly good job at choosing my foods. On Sunday, we celebrated 2 birthdays in my family. If you know anything about my family, you know that we NEVER have a shortage of food or dessert, and on Sunday, there were THREE desserts. Four, if you count ice cream as a dessert in itself. One of those happened to be one of my absolute favorites - coconut cream pie. Do you want to know what I had for my dessert? Somehow, I stuck to fruit and a small scoop of no sugar added vanilla ice cream. It was hard, but I felt so good about myself afterward. I think one of the biggest reasons I've been able to stick with this "diet" is the fact that it gives you a lot of wiggle room. I haven't felt deprived of too much of anything, because I get two junk days to indulge, and there are even plenty of healthy options that I've found to help satisfy my cravings in-between junk days.

Here are some of my other successes from last week:
 -Avoiding candy at work
-Not eating a dessert that my boyfriend cooked in the apartment (even though I was subjected to the delicious smell ALL NIGHT)
-Being mostly healthy when we got free Moe's for lunch at work, even though it was technically a junk day
-Mostly minimizing cheat days by making good food choices
-Not eating homemade cookies that someone brought to work
-Getting better at figuring out how to easily modify most recipes with low-fat/fat-free/sugar-free options
-Meal planning/prepping is becoming easier and more of a habit
Do you notice that most of my "successes" are avoiding temptations at work?! My coworkers/workplace are/is definitely my diet demon(s)!!!!

So, even though I had a lot of successes, that doesn't by ANY MEANS mean that I haven't struggled. Do you even KNOW how hard it is to avoid homemade coconut cream pie when it's right in front of you all evening? I felt like it was speaking to me. EAT ME! Besides just struggling to use my will power, I've definitely struggled with working out. I think I need to just get into a good routine, but for some reason (*cough*laziness*cough*), I just haven't gotten there yet. I think part if it is just getting a little too comfortable and making excuses for myself. It seems like about every 3 weeks I need to re-focus and kick my butt into gear again! The past week was just crazy busy, so I didn't even work out once. There I go making excuses again. It will NOT happen this week. I have a solid workout plan this time, and I'm hoping I can stick to it. Today and tomorrow, I plan to jog outside, and Friday I plan to do a pound workout. 

Recipe of the week (recipe link below):
Chicken Pot Pie Casserole over Fiber Gourmet Pasta - I can't take any credit whatsoever for this (except maybe the name!). I got the idea from my amazing aunt, who is also doing Achieve and has lost around 25 lbs! 
Tonight, I'm going to modify a spaghetti cream cheese casserole recipe! Hopefully I can update you with good results next week. :)

Chicken Pot Pie Pasta: Get the Recipe!

Random thought of the day:
This week, I discovered MEMORY FOAM shoes. It's like walking on clouds. I'm thinking I need to invest in many more pairs!

I feel like I'm starting to get a little repetitive, so if there's anything that you'd like me to discuss in a blog, please feel free to comment. I could use ideas and inspiration sometimes! Don't get me wrong, I love sharing my successes/failures/recipes with you all, but I don't want to bore you TOO MUCH. ;)

Have a healthy week, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there! I like images and encouraging pics that you choose. I need to see those.
