Sunday, June 19, 2016


Hey y'all! It's good to be back. :) You may or may not have noticed that I haven't written a blog in a couple of weeks! I went on vacation with my family last week, and so far this week, I've just been trying to get back into my old routine.

First, let's talk about vacation!!!

We went to Oak Island, North Carolina and stayed in a house on the beach. It. Was. Beautiful. Seriously. The beach was literally right outside our back porch! AND if you didn't want to go to the beach, you could relax in the hot tub in the evening and just enjoy the view. The beach wasn't crowded, everything was clean, and the weather was great. Although I probably could've stayed on the beach all week, we did a few other neat things. We visited two light houses, one in Oak Island and one on Bald Head Island, and the men took a deep sea fishing trip. A few of us also did an evening paddle boarding tour! I'd never done it before, but it was actually a lot easier than I had imagined, and it ended up being a blast! We had a beautiful sunset view, too. On our second to last day, we took some family pictures that turned out to be adorable! We didn't quite have the WHOLE family there, unfortunately. Maybe next time!

One of my very best friends lives near Raleigh, which is only a couple of hours away from where we were, and she was able to come visit for a couple of days. We had our own little photo shoot before she had to leave. It was a blast having her there!

In Achieve, they sometimes describe the lifestyle change as a relationship. If you're doing it right, you're MARRIED to Achieve. You do your best to pair your food correctly, you try to only have two junk days, you drink 64+ ounces of water every day, etc. Well, when I was on vacation (We can probably throw the week before vacation into this category too! Whoops...), I was just FLIRTING with Achieve. I took a lot of my Achieve approved snacks, I got a side salad instead of fries when we stopped at fast food restaurants on the drive, I drank water any time I thought of it, and I tried to keep my portion sizes under control throughout the week(s). I expected to gain some weight, of course, but I only gained 3 pounds between May 23-June 13! (We didn't have a meeting on Memorial Day!) That may not sound so great to some of you, but I am TOTALLY ok with that. I figure some of it is probably water weight anyway, since I hadn't been drinking my normal 20 glasses a day! Now that I'm back home and getting back into my old routines, I'd say I'm DATING Achieve. I've been doing better, but I haven't been quite as diligent as I should be. When you've essentially had 1-2 weeks of junk days, it's hard to gain back your motivation to eat I right?!

This week, I discovered a couple of Achieve approved frozen products that I'm gonna be adding to my grocery staples. First, I got some of the frozen Jimmy Dean Frittatas so I could have a grab and go breakfast other than a protein bar. I took those this morning with me to work, and they were delicious! Two of them are 280 calories and have 14 grams of protein. I'm not sure if this was an Achieve approved combination (We're just DATING this week, remember? :P), but I also had a Kroger Carbmaster yogurt with my frittatas, and I was totally satisfied until lunch time came around. Second, I picked up some Sandwich Bros. frozen sandwiches. They come in chicken melt and angus cheeseburger varieties. I had a chicken melt today with a side salad. One tiny sandwich (and I mean TINY) has 160 calories and 11 grams of protein. They may be little, but they sure do keep you full!

As far as workouts go, I've totally been failing. However, yesterday, I got to participate in the BUBBLE RUN! It was a blast. Fun runs are one of the best ways to get me motivated to work out! I'm definitely going to do another one in the near future so I have a reason to get out and run more often. :)

For my next meeting tomorrow, I'm only hoping to lose SOMETHING. I don't care if I lose half a pound or 5 pounds!! Really, as long as I don't gain I'll be happy! I'm going to make a trip to the grocery today, so I can get a few more food staples and stock up on some veggies. I'm also planning on doing some extra FOOD PREP, so I can more easily get back on track. Maybe I'll be ENGAGED to Achieve next week...we'll see! ;)

Hope everyone's had a wonderful weekend! :)